Building from sources

This section describes the steps to install COMPSs from the sources.

The first step is downloading the source code from the Git repository.

$ git clone
$ cd compss

Then, you need to download the embedded dependencies from the git submodules.

$ compss> ./
$ compss> ./

Finally you just need to run the installation script. You have two options:

For all users

For installing COMPSs for all users run the following command:

$ compss> cd builders/
$ builders> export INSTALL_DIR=/opt/COMPSs/
$ builders> sudo -E ./buildlocal ${INSTALL_DIR}


Root access is required.

For the current user

For installing COMPSs for the current user run the following commands:

$ compss> cd builders/
$ builders> INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/opt/COMPSs/
$ builders> ./buildlocal ${INSTALL_DIR}


The buildlocal script allows to disable the installation of components. The options can be foun in the command help:

$ compss> cd builders/
$ builders> ./buildlocal -h

  Usage: ./buildlocal [options] targetDir
  * Options:
      --help, -h                  Print this help message

      --opts                      Show available options

      --version, -v               Print COMPSs version

      --monitor, -m               Enable Monitor installation
      --no-monitor, -M            Disable Monitor installation
                                  Default: true

      --bindings, -b              Enable bindings installation
      --no-bindings, -B           Disable bindings installation
                                  Default: true

      --pycompss, -p              Enable PyCOMPSs installation
      --no-pycompss, -P           Disable PyCOMPSs installation
                                  Default: true

      --tracing, -t               Enable tracing system installation
      --no-tracing, -T            Disable tracing system installation
                                  Default: true

      --autoparallel, -a          Enable autoparallel module installation
      --no-autoparallel, -A       Disable autoparallel module installation
                                  Default: true

      --kafka, -k                 Enable Kafka module installation
      --no-kafka, -K              Disable Kafka module installation
                                  Default: true

      --jacoco, -j                Enable Jacoco module installation
      --no-jacoco, -J             Disable Jacoco module installation
                                  Default: true

      --nothing, -N               Disable all previous options
                                  Default: unused

      --user-exec=<str>           Enables a specific user execution for maven compilation
                                  When used the maven install is not cleaned.
                                  Default: false

      --skip-tests                Disables MVN unit tests

  * Parameters:
      targetDir                   COMPSs installation directory
                                  Default: /opt/COMPSs

Post installation

Once your COMPSs package has been installed remember to log out and back in again to end the installation process.


Using Ubuntu version 18.04 or higher requires to comment the following lines in your .bashrc in order to have the appropriate environment after logging out and back again (which in these distributions it must be from the complete system (e.g. gnome) not only from the terminal, or restart the whole machine).

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
# case $- in          #
#     *i*) ;;         # Comment these lines before logging out
#       *) return;;   # from the whole gnome (or restart the machine).
# esac                #

In addition, COMPSs requires ssh passwordless access. If you need to set up your machine for the first time please take a look at Additional Configuration Section for a detailed description of the additional configuration.