
Common usage

Available COMPSs modules

COMPSs is configured as a Linux Module. As shown in next Figure, the users can type the module available COMPSs command to list the supported COMPSs modules in the supercomputer. The users can also execute the module load COMPSs/<version> command to load an specific COMPSs module.

$ module available COMPSs
---------- /apps/modules/modulefiles/tools ----------


$ module load COMPSs/release
                    SDK_HOME, JDK_HOME, JRE_HOME)
load MKL/11.0.1 (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

The following command can be run to check if the correct COMPSs version has been loaded:

$ enqueue_compss --version
COMPSs version <version>


The COMPSs module contains all the COMPSs dependencies, including Java, Python and MKL. Modifying any of these dependencies can cause execution failures and thus, we do not recomend to change them. Before running any COMPSs job please check your environment and, if needed, comment out any line inside the .bashrc file that loads custom COMPSs, Java, Python and/or MKL modules.

The COMPSs module needs to be loaded in all the nodes that will run COMPSs jobs. Consequently, the module load must be included in your .bashrc file. To do so, please run the following command with the corresponding COMPSs version:

$ cat "module load COMPSs/release" >> ~/.bashrc

Log out and back in again to check that the file has been correctly edited. The next listing shows an example of the output generated by well loaded COMPSs installation.

$ exit
$ ssh USER@SC
                    SDK_HOME, JDK_HOME, JRE_HOME)
load MKL/11.0.1 (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

USER@SC$ enqueue_compss --version
COMPSs version <version>


Please remember that COMPSs runs in several nodes and your current enviroment is not exported to them. Thus, all the needed environment variables must be loaded through the .bashrc file.


Please remember that PyCOMPSs uses Python 2.7 by default. In order to use Python 3, the Python 2.7 module must be unloaded after loading COMPSs module, and then load the Python 3 module.

COMPSs Job submission

COMPSs jobs can be easily submited by running the enqueue_compss command. This command allows to configure any runcompss option and some particular queue options such as the queue system, the number of nodes, the wallclock time, the master working directory, the workers working directory and number of tasks per node.

Next, we provide detailed information about the enqueue_compss command:

$ enqueue_compss -h

Usage: enqueue_compss [queue_system_options] [COMPSs_options]
          application_name [application_arguments]

* Options:
    --help, -h                              Print this help message
    --heterogeneous                         Indicates submission is going to be heterogeneous
                                            Default: Disabled
  Queue system configuration:
    --sc_cfg=<name>                         SuperComputer configuration file to use. Must exist inside queues/cfgs/
                                            Default: default

  Submission configuration:
  General submision arguments:
    --exec_time=<minutes>                   Expected execution time of the application (in minutes)
                                            Default: 10
    --job_name=<name>                       Job name
                                            Default: COMPSs
    --queue=<name>                          Queue name to submit the job. Depends on the queue system.
                                            For example (MN3): bsc_cs | bsc_debug | debug | interactive
                                            Default: default
    --reservation=<name>                    Reservation to use when submitting the job.
                                            Default: disabled
    --constraints=<constraints>             Constraints to pass to queue system.
                                            Default: disabled
    --qos=<qos>                             Quality of Service to pass to the queue system.
                                            Default: default
    --cpus_per_task                         Number of cpus per task the queue system must allocate per task.
                                            Note that this will be equal to the cpus_per_node in a worker node and
                                            equal to the worker_in_master_cpus in a master node respectively.
                                            Default: false
    --job_dependency=<jobID>                Postpone job execution until the job dependency has ended.
                                            Default: None
    --storage_home=<string>                 Root installation dir of the storage implementation
                                            Default: null
    --storage_props=<string>                Absolute path of the storage properties file
                                            Mandatory if storage_home is defined
  Normal submission arguments:
    --num_nodes=<int>                       Number of nodes to use
                                            Default: 2
    --num_switches=<int>                    Maximum number of different switches. Select 0 for no restrictions.
                                            Maximum nodes per switch: 18
                                            Only available for at least 4 nodes.
                                            Default: 0
  Heterogeneous submission arguments:
    --type_cfg=<file_location>              Location of the file with the descriptions of node type requests
                                            File should follow the following format:
    --master=<master_node_type>             Node type for the master
                                            (Node type descriptions are provided in the --type_cfg flag)
    --workers=type_X:nodes,type_Y:nodes     Node type and number of nodes per type for the workers
                                            (Node type descriptions are provided in the --type_cfg flag)
  Launch configuration:
    --cpus_per_node=<int>                   Available CPU computing units on each node
                                            Default: 48
    --gpus_per_node=<int>                   Available GPU computing units on each node
                                            Default: 0
    --fpgas_per_node=<int>                  Available FPGA computing units on each node
                                            Default: 0
    --fpga_reprogram="<string>              Specify the full command that needs to be executed to reprogram the FPGA with
                                            the desired bitstream. The location must be an absolute path.
    --max_tasks_per_node=<int>              Maximum number of simultaneous tasks running on a node
                                            Default: -1
    --node_memory=<MB>                      Maximum node memory: disabled | <int> (MB)
                                            Default: disabled
    --network=<name>                        Communication network for transfers: default | ethernet | infiniband | data.
                                            Default: infiniband

    --prolog="<string>"                     Task to execute before launching COMPSs (Notice the quotes)
                                            If the task has arguments split them by "," rather than spaces.
                                            This argument can appear multiple times for more than one prolog action
                                            Default: Empty
    --epilog="<string>"                     Task to execute after executing the COMPSs application (Notice the quotes)
                                            If the task has arguments split them by "," rather than spaces.
                                            This argument can appear multiple times for more than one epilog action
                                            Default: Empty

    --master_working_dir=<path>             Working directory of the application
                                            Default: .
    --worker_working_dir=<name | path>      Worker directory. Use: scratch | gpfs | <path>
                                            Default: scratch

    --worker_in_master_cpus=<int>           Maximum number of CPU computing units that the master node can run as worker. Cannot exceed cpus_per_node.
                                            Default: 24
    --worker_in_master_memory=<int> MB      Maximum memory in master node assigned to the worker. Cannot exceed the node_memory.
                                            Mandatory if worker_in_master_cpus is specified.
                                            Default: 50000
    --jvm_worker_in_master_opts="<string>"  Extra options for the JVM of the COMPSs Worker in the Master Node.
                                            Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
    --container_image=<path>                Runs the application by means of a container engine image
                                            Default: Empty
    --container_compss_path=<path>          Path where compss is installed in the container image
                                            Default: /opt/COMPSs
    --container_opts="<string>"             Options to pass to the container engine
                                            Default: empty
    --elasticity=<max_extra_nodes>          Activate elasticity specifiying the maximum extra nodes (ONLY AVAILABLE FORM SLURM CLUSTERS WITH NIO ADAPTOR)
                                            Default: 0

    --jupyter_notebook=<path>,              Swap the COMPSs master initialization with jupyter notebook from the specified path.
    --jupyter_notebook                      Default: false

  Runcompss configuration:

  Tools enablers:
    --graph=<bool>, --graph, -g             Generation of the complete graph (true/false)
                                            When no value is provided it is set to true
                                            Default: false
    --tracing=<level>, --tracing, -t        Set generation of traces and/or tracing level ( [ true | basic ] | advanced | scorep | arm-map | arm-ddt | false)
                                            True and basic levels will produce the same traces.
                                            When no value is provided it is set to true
                                            Default: false
    --monitoring=<int>, --monitoring, -m    Period between monitoring samples (milliseconds)
                                            When no value is provided it is set to 2000
                                            Default: 0
    --external_debugger                     Enables external debugger connection on the specified port (or 9999 if empty)
                                            Default: false

  Runtime configuration options:
    --task_execution=<compss|storage>       Task execution under COMPSs or Storage.
                                            Default: compss
    --storage_impl=<string>                 Path to an storage implementation. Shortcut to setting pypath and classpath. See Runtime/storage in your installation folder.
    --storage_conf=<path>                   Path to the storage configuration file
                                            Default: null
    --project=<path>                        Path to the project XML file
                                            Default: /apps/COMPSs/
    --resources=<path>                      Path to the resources XML file
                                            Default: /apps/COMPSs/
    --lang=<name>                           Language of the application (java/c/python)
                                            Default: Inferred is possible. Otherwise: java
    --summary                               Displays a task execution summary at the end of the application execution
                                            Default: false
    --log_level=<level>, --debug, -d        Set the debug level: off | info | debug
                                            Warning: Off level compiles with -O2 option disabling asserts and __debug__
                                            Default: off

  Advanced options:
    --extrae_config_file=<path>             Sets a custom extrae config file. Must be in a shared disk between all COMPSs workers.
                                            Default: null
    --comm=<ClassName>                      Class that implements the adaptor for communications
                                            Supported adaptors: es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor | es.bsc.compss.gat.master.GATAdaptor
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor
    --conn=<className>                      Class that implements the runtime connector for the cloud
                                            Supported connectors: es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector
                                                                | es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultNoSSHConnector
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector
    --streaming=<type>                      Enable the streaming mode for the given type.
                                            Supported types: FILES, OBJECTS, PSCOS, ALL, NONE
                                            Default: null
    --streaming_master_name=<str>           Use an specific streaming master node name.
                                            Default: null
    --streaming_master_port=<int>           Use an specific port for the streaming master.
                                            Default: null
    --scheduler=<className>                 Class that implements the Scheduler for COMPSs
                                            Supported schedulers: es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fullGraphScheduler.FullGraphScheduler
                                                                | es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fifoScheduler.FIFOScheduler
                                                                | es.bsc.compss.scheduler.resourceEmptyScheduler.ResourceEmptyScheduler
                                            Default: es.bsc.compss.scheduler.loadbalancing.LoadBalancingScheduler
    --scheduler_config_file=<path>          Path to the file which contains the scheduler configuration.
                                            Default: Empty
    --library_path=<path>                   Non-standard directories to search for libraries (e.g. Java JVM library, Python library, C binding library)
                                            Default: Working Directory
    --classpath=<path>                      Path for the application classes / modules
                                            Default: Working Directory
    --appdir=<path>                         Path for the application class folder.
                                            Default: /home/bsc19/bsc19234
    --pythonpath=<path>                     Additional folders or paths to add to the PYTHONPATH
                                            Default: /home/bsc19/bsc19234
    --base_log_dir=<path>                   Base directory to store COMPSs log files (a .COMPSs/ folder will be created inside this location)
                                            Default: User home
    --specific_log_dir=<path>               Use a specific directory to store COMPSs log files (no sandbox is created)
                                            Warning: Overwrites --base_log_dir option
                                            Default: Disabled
    --uuid=<int>                            Preset an application UUID
                                            Default: Automatic random generation
    --master_name=<string>                  Hostname of the node to run the COMPSs master
    --master_port=<int>                     Port to run the COMPSs master communications.
                                            Only for NIO adaptor
                                            Default: [43000,44000]
    --jvm_master_opts="<string>"            Extra options for the COMPSs Master JVM. Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
    --jvm_workers_opts="<string>"           Extra options for the COMPSs Workers JVMs. Each option separed by "," and without blank spaces (Notice the quotes)
                                            Default: -Xms1024m,-Xmx1024m,-Xmn400m
    --cpu_affinity="<string>"               Sets the CPU affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --gpu_affinity="<string>"               Sets the GPU affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --fpga_affinity="<string>"              Sets the FPGA affinity for the workers
                                            Supported options: disabled, automatic, user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
                                            Default: automatic
    --fpga_reprogram="<string>"             Specify the full command that needs to be executed to reprogram the FPGA with the desired bitstream. The location must be an absolute path.
    --task_count=<int>                      Only for C/Python Bindings. Maximum number of different functions/methods, invoked from the application, that have been selected as tasks
                                            Default: 50
    --input_profile=<path>                  Path to the file which stores the input application profile
                                            Default: Empty
    --output_profile=<path>                 Path to the file to store the application profile at the end of the execution
                                            Default: Empty
    --PyObject_serialize=<bool>             Only for Python Binding. Enable the object serialization to string when possible (true/false).
                                            Default: false
    --persistent_worker_c=<bool>            Only for C Binding. Enable the persistent worker in c (true/false).
                                            Default: false
    --enable_external_adaptation=<bool>     Enable external adaptation. This option will disable the Resource Optimizer.
                                            Default: false
    --python_interpreter=<string>           Python interpreter to use (python/python2/python3).
                                            Default: python Version: 2
    --python_propagate_virtual_environment=<true>  Propagate the master virtual environment to the workers (true/false).
                                                   Default: true
    --python_mpi_worker=<false>             Use MPI to run the python worker instead of multiprocessing. (true/false).
                                            Default: false

* Application name:

    For Java applications:   Fully qualified name of the application
    For C applications:      Path to the master binary
    For Python applications: Path to the .py file containing the main program

* Application arguments:

    Command line arguments to pass to the application. Can be empty.

MareNostrum 4

Basic queue commands

The MareNostrum supercomputer uses the SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) workload manager. The basic commands to manage jobs are listed below:

  • sbatch Submit a batch job to the SLURM system
  • scancel Kill a running job
  • squeue -u <username> See the status of jobs in the SLURM queue

For more extended information please check the SLURM: Quick start user guide at .

Tracking COMPSs jobs

When submitting a COMPSs job a temporal file will be created storing the job information. For example:

$ enqueue_compss \
  --exec_time=15 \
  --num_nodes=3 \
  --cpus_per_node=16 \
  --master_working_dir=. \
  --worker_working_dir=gpfs \
  --lang=python \
  --log_level=debug \

SC Configuration:          default.cfg
Queue:                     default
Reservation:               disabled
Num Nodes:                 3
Num Switches:              0
GPUs per node:             0
Job dependency:            None
Exec-Time:                 00:15
Storage Home:              null
Storage Properties:        null
Temp submit script is: /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo

$ cat /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo
#SBATCH --job-name=COMPSs
#SBATCH --workdir=.
#SBATCH -o compss-%J.out
#SBATCH -e compss-%J.err
#SBATCH -n 144
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -t00:15:00

In order to trac the jobs state users can run the following command:

$ squeue
474130    main    COMPSs    XX    0:15:00    0:15:00        N/A      PD    3   144   -

The specific COMPSs logs are stored under the ~/.COMPSs/ folder; saved as a local runcompss execution. For further details please check the Application execution Section.


Basic queue commands

The MinoTauro supercomputer uses the SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) workload manager. The basic commands to manage jobs are listed below:

  • sbatch Submit a batch job to the SLURM system
  • scancel Kill a running job
  • squeue -u <username> See the status of jobs in the SLURM queue

For more extended information please check the SLURM: Quick start user guide at .

Tracking COMPSs jobs

When submitting a COMPSs job a temporal file will be created storing the job information. For example:

$ enqueue_compss \
  --exec_time=15 \
  --num_nodes=3 \
  --cpus_per_node=16 \
  --master_working_dir=. \
  --worker_working_dir=gpfs \
  --lang=python \
  --log_level=debug \

SC Configuration:          default.cfg
Queue:                     default
Reservation:               disabled
Num Nodes:                 3
Num Switches:              0
GPUs per node:             0
Job dependency:            None
Exec-Time:                 00:15
Storage Home:              null
Storage Properties:        null
Temp submit script is: /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo

$ cat /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo
#SBATCH --job-name=COMPSs
#SBATCH --workdir=.
#SBATCH -o compss-%J.out
#SBATCH -e compss-%J.err
#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -t00:15:00

In order to trac the jobs state users can run the following command:

$ squeue
XXXX   projects    COMPSs   XX   R   00:02       3  nvb[6-8]

The specific COMPSs logs are stored under the ~/.COMPSs/ folder; saved as a local runcompss execution. For further details please check the Application execution Section.

Nord 3

Basic queue commands

The Nord3 supercomputer uses the LSF (Load Sharing Facility) workload manager. The basic commands to manage jobs are listed below:

  • bsub Submit a batch job to the LSF system
  • bkill Kill a running job
  • bjobs See the status of jobs in the LSF queue
  • bqueues Information about LSF batch queues

For more extended information please check the IBM Platform LSF Command Reference at .

Tracking COMPSs jobs

When submitting a COMPSs job a temporal file will be created storing the job information. For example:

$ enqueue_compss \
  --exec_time=15 \
  --num_nodes=3 \
  --cpus_per_node=16 \
  --master_working_dir=. \
  --worker_working_dir=gpfs \
  --lang=python \
  --log_level=debug \

SC Configuration:          default.cfg
Queue:                     default
Reservation:               disabled
Num Nodes:                 3
Num Switches:              0
GPUs per node:             0
Job dependency:            None
Exec-Time:                 00:15
Storage Home:              null
Storage Properties:        null
Temp submit script is: /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo

$ cat /scratch/tmp/tmp.pBG5yfFxEo
#BSUB -cwd .
#BSUB -oo compss-%J.out
#BSUB -eo compss-%J.err
#BSUB -n 3
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
#BSUB -W 00:15

In order to trac the jobs state users can run the following command:

$ bjobs
XXXX   bscXX  PEND  XX     login1     XX         COMPSs    Month Day Hour

The specific COMPSs logs are stored under the ~/.COMPSs/ folder; saved as a local runcompss execution. For further details please check the Application execution Section.

Enabling COMPSs Monitor


As supercomputer nodes are connection restricted, the better way to enable the COMPSs Monitor is from the users local machine. To do so please install the following packages:

  • COMPSs Runtime
  • COMPSs Monitor
  • sshfs

For further details about the COMPSs packages installation and configuration please refer to Installation and Administration Section. If you are not willing to install COMPSs in your local machine please consider to download our Virtual Machine available at our webpage.

Once the packages have been installed and configured, users need to mount the sshfs directory as follows. The SC_USER stands for your supercomputer’s user, the SC_ENDPOINT to the supercomputer’s public endpoint and the TARGET_LOCAL_FOLDER to the local folder where you wish to deploy the supercomputer files):

compss@bsc:~$ scp $HOME/.ssh/ ${SC_USER}
compss@bsc:~$ ssh SC_USER@SC_ENDPOINT \
                  "cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; \
                  rm ~/"
compss@bsc:~$ mkdir -p TARGET_LOCAL_FOLDER/.COMPSs
compss@bsc:~$ sshfs -o IdentityFile=$HOME/.ssh/id_dsa -o allow_other \
                   SC_USER@SC_ENDPOINT:~/.COMPSs \

Whenever you wish to unmount the sshfs directory please run:

compss@bsc:~$ sudo umount TARGET_LOCAL_FOLDER/.COMPSs


Access the COMPSs Monitor through its webpage (http://localhost:8080/compss-monitor by default) and log in with the TARGET_LOCAL_FOLDER to enable the COMPSs Monitor for MareNostrum.

Please remember that to enable all the COMPSs Monitor features applications must be ran with the -m flag. For further details please check the Application execution Section.

Figure 18 illustrates how to login and Figure 19 shows the COMPSs Monitor main page for an application run inside a Supercomputer.

COMPSs Monitor login for Supercomputers

Figure 18 COMPSs Monitor login for Supercomputers

COMPSs Monitor main page for a test application at Supercomputers

Figure 19 COMPSs Monitor main page for a test application at Supercomputers
