3. Integration with Jupyter notebook

PyCOMPSs can also be used within Jupyter notebooks. This feature allows users to develop and run their PyCOMPSs applications in a Jupyter notebook, where it is possible to modify the code during the execution and experience an interactive behaviour.

3.1. Environment Variables

The following libraries must be present in the appropiate environment variables in order to enable PyCOMPSs within Jupyter notebook:

The path where PyCOMPSs is installed (e.g. /opt/COMPSs/Bindings/python/). Please, note that the path contains the folder 2 and/or 3. This is due to the fact that PyCOMPSs is able to choose the appropiate one depending on the kernel used with jupyter.
The path where the libbindings-commons.so library is located (e.g. <COMPSS_INSTALLATION_PATH>/Bindings/bindings-common/lib/) and the path where the libjvm.so library is located (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/).

3.2. API calls

In this case, the user is responsible of starting and stopping the COMPSs runtime during the jupyter notebook execution.
To this end, PyCOMPSs provides a module with two main API calls: one for starting the COMPSs runtime, and another for stopping it.

This module can be imported from the pycompss library:

import pycompss.interactive as ipycompss

And contains two main functions: start and stop. These functions can then be invoked as follows for the COMPSs runtime deployment with default parameters:

# Previous user code/cells


# User code/cells that can benefit from PyCOMPSs


# Subsequent code/cells

Between the start and stop function calls, the user can write its own python code including PyCOMPSs imports, decorators and synchronization calls described in the Programming Model Section. The code can be splitted into multiple cells.

The start and stop functions accept parameters in order to customize the COMPSs runtime (such as the flags that can be selected with the runcompss command). Table 12 summarizes the accepted parameters of the start function. Table 13 summarizes the accepted parameters of the stop function.

Table 12 PyCOMPSs start function for Jupyter notebook
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
log_level String Log level
Options: "off", "info" and "debug".
(Default: "off")
debug Boolean COMPSs runtime debug
(Default: False) (overrides log level)
o_c Boolean Object conversion to string when possible
(Default: False)
graph Boolean Task dependency graph generation
(Default: False)
trace Boolean Paraver trace generation
(Default: False)
monitor Integer Monitor refresh rate
(Default: None - Monitoring disabled)
project_xml String Path to the project XML file
(Default: "$COMPSS/Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default project.xml")
resources_xml String Path to the resources XML file
(Default: "$COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default resources.xml")
summary Boolean Show summary at the end of the execution
(Default: False)
storage_impl String Path to an storage implementation
(Default: None)
storage_conf String Storage configuration file path
(Default: None)
task_count Integer Number of task definitions
(Default: 50)
app_name String Application name
(Default: "Interactive")
uuid String Application uuid
(Default: None - Will be random)
base_log_dir String Base directory to store COMPSs log files (a .COMPSs/ folder will be created inside this location)|pyjbr| (Default: User homeBase log path)
specific_log_dir String Use a specific directory to store COMPSs log files (the folder MUST exist and no sandbox is created)
(Default: Disabled)
extrae_cfg String Sets a custom extrae config file. Must be in a shared disk between all COMPSs workers
(Default: None)
comm String Class that implements the adaptor for communications. Supported adaptors:
- "es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor"
- "es.bsc.compss.gat.master.GATAdaptor"
(Default: "es.bsc.compss.nio.master.NIOAdaptor")
conn String Class that implements the runtime connector for the cloud. Supported connectors:
- "es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector"
- "es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultNoSSHConnector" (Default: "es.bsc.compss.connectors.DefaultSSHConnector")
master_name String Hostname of the node to run the COMPSs master
(Default: "")
master_port String Port to run the COMPSs master communications (Only for NIO adaptor)
(Default: "[43000,44000]")
scheduler String Class that implements the Scheduler for COMPSs. Supported schedulers:
- "es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fullGraphScheduler.FullGraphScheduler"
- "es.bsc.compss.scheduler.fifoScheduler.FIFOScheduler"
- "es.bsc.compss.scheduler.resourceEmptyScheduler. ResourceEmptyScheduler"
(Default: "es.bsc.compss.scheduler.loadBalancingScheduler.LoadBalancingScheduler")
jvm_workers String Extra options for the COMPSs Workers JVMs. Each option separed by “,” and without blank spaces
(Default: "-Xms1024m,-Xmx1024m,-Xmn400m")
cpu_affinity String Sets the CPU affinity for the workers.
Supported options: "disabled", "automatic", user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
(Default: "automatic")
gpu_affinity String Sets the GPU affinity for the workers.
Supported options: "disabled", "automatic", user defined map of the form "0-8/9,10,11/12-14,15,16"
(Default: "automatic")
profile_input String Path to the file which stores the input application profile
(Default: "")
profile_output String Path to the file to store the application profile at the end of the execution
(Default: "")
scheduler_config String Path to the file which contains the scheduler configuration
(Default: "")
external_adaptation Boolean Enable external adaptation (this option will disable the Resource Optimizer)
(Default: False)
propatage_virtual_environment Boolean Propagate the master virtual environment to the workers
(Default: False)
verbose Boolean Verbose mode
(Default: False)
Table 13 PyCOMPSs stop function for Jupyter notebook
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
sync Boolean Synchronize the objects left on the user scope.
(Default: False)

The following code snippet shows how to start a COMPSs runtime with tracing and graph generation enabled (with trace and graph parameters), as well as enabling the monitor with a refresh rate of 2 seconds (with the monitor parameter). It also synchronizes all remaining objects in the scope with the sync parameter when invoking the stop function.

# Previous user code

ipycompss.start(graph=True, trace=True, monitor=2000)

# User code that can benefit from PyCOMPSs


# Subsequent code

3.3. Notebook execution

The application can be executed as a common Jupyter notebook by steps or the whole application.


Once the COMPSs runtime has been stopped it is NECESSARY to restart the python kernel in Jupyter before starting another COMPSs runtime.

To this end, click on “Kernel” and “Restart” (or “Restart & Clear Output” or “Restart & Run All”, depending on the need).

3.4. Notebook example

Sample notebooks can be found in the PyCOMPSs Notebooks Section.