Other task types

In addition to this API functions, the programmer can use a set of decorators for other purposes.

For instance, there is a set of decorators that can be placed over the @task decorator in order to define the task methods as a binary invocation (with the Binary decorator), as a OmpSs invocation (with the OmpSs decorator), as a MPI invocation (with the MPI decorator), as a COMPSs application (with the COMPSs decorator), as a task that requires multiple nodes (with the Multinode decorator), or as a Reduction task that can be executed in parallel having a subset of the original input data as input (with the Reduction decorator). These decorators must be placed over the @task decorator, and under the @constraint decorator if defined.

Consequently, the task body will be empty and the function parameters will be used as invocation parameters with some extra information that can be provided within the @task decorator.

The following subparagraphs describe their usage.

Binary decorator

The @binary (or @Binary) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a binary executable.

In this context, the @task decorator parameters will be used as the binary invocation parameters (following their order in the function definition). Since the invocation parameters can be of different nature, information on their type can be provided through the @task decorator.

Code 59 shows the most simple binary task definition without/with constraints (without parameters); please note that @constraint decorator has to be provided on top of the others.

Code 59 Binary task example
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary

def binary_func():

def binary_func2():

The invocation of these tasks would be equivalent to:

$ ./mybinary.bin
$ ./otherbinary.bin   # in resources that respect the constraint.

The @binary decorator supports the working_dir parameter to define the working directory for the execution of the defined binary.

Code 60 shows a more complex binary invocation, with files as parameters:

Code 60 Binary task example 2
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

@binary(binary="grep", working_dir=".")
@task(infile={Type:FILE_IN_STDIN}, result={Type:FILE_OUT_STDOUT})
def grepper():

# This task definition is equivalent to the following, which is more verbose:

@binary(binary="grep", working_dir=".")
@task(infile={Type:FILE_IN, StdIOStream:STDIN}, result={Type:FILE_OUT, StdIOStream:STDOUT})
def grepper(keyword, infile, result):

if __name__=='__main__':
    infile = "infile.txt"
    outfile = "outfile.txt"
    grepper("Hi", infile, outfile)

The invocation of the grepper task would be equivalent to:

$ # grep keyword < infile > result
$ grep Hi < infile.txt > outfile.txt

Please note that the keyword parameter is a string, and it is respected as is in the invocation call.

Thus, PyCOMPSs can also deal with prefixes for the given parameters. Code 61 performs a system call (ls) with specific prefixes:

Code 61 Binary task example 3
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

@task(hide={Type:FILE_IN, Prefix:"--hide="}, sort={Prefix:"--sort="})
def myLs(flag, hide, sort):

if __name__=='__main__':
    flag = '-l'
    hideFile = "fileToHide.txt"
    sort = "time"
    myLs(flag, hideFile, sort)

The invocation of the myLs task would be equivalent to:

$ # ls -l --hide=hide --sort=sort
$ ls -l --hide=fileToHide.txt --sort=time

This particular case is intended to show all the power of the @binary decorator in conjuntion with the @task decorator. Please note that although the hide parameter is used as a prefix for the binary invocation, the fileToHide.txt would also be transfered to the worker (if necessary) since its type is defined as FILE_IN. This feature enables to build more complex binary invocations.

In addition, the @binary decorator also supports the fail_by_exit_value parameter to define the failure of the task by the exit value of the binary (Code 62). It accepts a boolean (True to consider the task failed if the exit value is not 0, or False to ignore the failure by the exit value (default)), or a string to determine the environment variable that defines the fail by exit value (as boolean). The default behaviour (fail_by_exit_value=False) allows users to receive the exit value of the binary as the task return value, and take the necessary decissions based on this value.

Code 62 Binary task example with fail_by_exit_value
@binary(binary="mybinary.bin", fail_by_exit_value=True)
def binary_func():

OmpSs decorator

The @ompss (or @OmpSs) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a OmpSs executable (Code 63).

Code 63 OmpSs task example
from pycompss.api.ompss import ompss

def ompss_func():

The OmpSs executable invocation can also be enriched with parameters, files and prefixes as with the @binary decorator through the function parameters and @task decorator information. Please, check Binary decorator for more details.

MPI decorator

The @mpi (or @Mpi) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a MPI executable (Code 64).

Code 64 MPI task example
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(binary="mpiApp.bin", runner="mpirun", processes=2)
def mpi_func():

The MPI executable invocation can also be enriched with parameters, files and prefixes as with the @binary decorator through the function parameters and @task decorator information. Please, check Binary decorator for more details.

The @mpi decorator can be also used to execute a MPI for python (mpi4py) code. To indicate it, developers only need to remove the binary field and include the Python MPI task implementation inside the function body as shown in the following example (Code 65).

Code 65 MPI task example with collections and data layout
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

def layout_test_with_all():
   from mpi4py import MPI
   rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
   return rank

In both cases, users can also define, MPI + OpenMP tasks by using processes property to indicate the number of MPI processes and computing_units in the Task Constraints to indicate the number of OpenMP threads per MPI process.

The @mpi decorator can be combined with collections to allow the process of a list of parameters in the same MPI execution. By the default, all parameters of the list will be deserialized to all the MPI processes. However, a common pattern in MPI is that each MPI processes performs the computation in a subset of data. So, all data serialization is not needed. To indicate the subset used by each MPI process, developers can use the data_layout notation inside the MPI task declaration.

Code 66 MPI task example with collections and data layout
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(processes=4, col_layout={block_count: 4, block_length: 2, stride: 1})
@task(col=COLLECTION_IN, returns=4)
def layout_test_with_all(col):
   from mpi4py import MPI
   rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
   return data[0]+data[1]+rank

Figure (Code 66) shows an example about how to combine MPI tasks with collections and data layouts. In this example, we have define a MPI task with an input collection (col). We have also defined a data layout with the property <arg_name>_layout and we specify the number of blocks (block_count), the elements per block (block_length), and the number of element between the starting block points (stride).

COMPSs decorator

The @compss (or @COMPSs) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to be a COMPSs application (Code 67). It enables to have nested PyCOMPSs/COMPSs applications.

Code 67 COMPSs task example
from pycompss.api.compss import compss

@compss(runcompss="${RUNCOMPSS}", flags="-d",
        app_name="/path/to/simple_compss_nested.py", computing_nodes="2")
def compss_func():

The COMPSs application invocation can also be enriched with the flags accepted by the runcompss executable. Please, check execution manual for more details about the supported flags.

Multinode decorator

The @multinode (or @Multinode) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to use multiple nodes (e.g. using internal parallelism) (Code 68).

Code 68 Multinode task example
from pycompss.api.multinode import multinode

def multinode_func():

The only supported parameter is computing_nodes, used to define the number of nodes required by the task (the default value is 1). The mechanism to get the number of nodes, threads and their names to the task is through the COMPSS_NUM_NODES, COMPSS_NUM_THREADS and COMPSS_HOSTNAMES environment variables respectively, which are exported within the task scope by the COMPSs runtime before the task execution.

Reduction decorator

The @reduction (or @Reduction) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to be subdivided into smaller tasks that take as input a subset of the input data. (Code 69).

Code 69 Reduction task example
from pycompss.api.reduction import reduction

def myreduction():

The only supported parameter is chunk_size, used to define the size of the data that the generated tasks will get as input parameter. The data given as input to the main reduction task is subdivided into chunks of the set size.

Container decorator

The @container (or @Container) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to be executed within a container (Code 70).

Code 70 Container task example
from pycompss.api.compss import container
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.parameter import *
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on

@task(returns=1, num=IN, in_str=IN, fin=FILE_IN)
def container_fun(num, in_str, fin):
    # Sample task body:
    with open(fin, "r") as fd:
        num_lines = len(fd.readlines())
    str_len = len(in_str)
    result = num * str_len * num_lines

    # You can import and use libraries available in the container

    return result

if __name__=='__main__':
    result = container_fun(5, "hello", "dataset.txt")
    result = compss_wait_on(result)
    print("result: %s" % result)

The container_fun task will be executed within the container defined in the @container decorator using the docker engine with the compss/compss image. This task is pure python and you can import and use any library available in the container

This feature allows to use specific containers for tasks where the library dependencies are met.


Singularity is also supported, and can be selected by setting the engine to SINGULARITY:


In addition, the @container decorator can be placed on top of the @binary, @ompss or @mpi decorators. Code 71 shows how to execute the same example described in the Binary decorator section, but within the compss/compss container using docker. This will execute the binary/ompss/mpi binary within the container.

Code 71 Container binary task example
from pycompss.api.compss import container
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.binary import binary
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

@binary(binary="grep", working_dir=".")
@task(infile={Type:FILE_IN_STDIN}, result={Type:FILE_OUT_STDOUT})
def grepper():

if __name__=='__main__':
    infile = "infile.txt"
    outfile = "outfile.txt"
    grepper("Hi", infile, outfile)

Other task types summary

Next tables summarizes the parameters of these decorators.

  • @binary




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.

  • @ompss




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.

  • @mpi




    (Optional) String defining the full path of the binary that must be executed. Empty indicates python MPI code.


    Full path of the binary working directory inside the COMPSs Worker.


    (Mandatory) String defining the MPI runner command.


    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the MPI execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

  • @compss




    (Mandatory) String defining the full path of the runcompss binary that must be executed.


    String defining the flags needed for the runcompss execution.


    (Mandatory) String defining the application that must be executed.


    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the COMPSs execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

  • @multinode




    Integer defining the number of computing nodes reserved for the task execution (only a single node is reserved by default).

  • @reduction




    Size of data fragments to be given as input parameter to the reduction function.

  • @container




    Container engine to use (e.g. DOCKER or SINGULARITY).


    Container image to be deployed and used for the task execution.

In addition to the parameters that can be used within the @task decorator, Table 9 summarizes the StdIOStream parameter that can be used within the @task decorator for the function parameters when using the @binary, @ompss and @mpi decorators. In particular, the StdIOStream parameter is used to indicate that a parameter is going to be considered as a FILE but as a stream (e.g. >, < and 2> in bash) for the @binary, @ompss and @mpi calls.

Table 9 Supported StdIOStreams for the @binary, @ompss and @mpi decorators



(default: empty)

Not a stream.


Standard input.


Standard output.


Standard error.

Moreover, there are some shorcuts that can be used for files type definition as parameters within the @task decorator (Table 10). It is not necessary to indicate the Direction nor the StdIOStream since it may be already be indicated with the shorcut.

Table 10 File parameters definition shortcuts




Type: COLLECTION, Direction: IN




Type: COLLECTION, Direction: INOUT


Type: COLLECTION, Direction: OUT


Type: DICTIONARY, Direction: IN




Type: DICTIONARY, Direction: INOUT


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: IN


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: INOUT


Type: COLLECTION (File), Direction: OUT


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: IN, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: OUT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: INOUT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: CONCURRENT, StdIOStream: STDERR


Type: File, Direction: COMMUTATIVE


Type: File, Direction: COMMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDIN


Type: File, Direction: COMMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDOUT


Type: File, Direction: COMMUTATIVE, StdIOStream: STDERR

These parameter keys, as well as the shortcuts, can be imported from the PyCOMPSs library:

from pycompss.api.parameter import *