PyCOMPSs Notebooks

This section contains all PyCOMPSs related tutorial notebooks (sources available in

It is divided into three main folders:

  1. Syntax: Contains the main tutorial notebooks. They cover the syntax and main functionalities of PyCOMPSs.

  2. Hands-On: Contains example applications and hands-on exercises.

  3. Demos: Contains demonstration notebooks.


These notebooks can be used within MyBinder, with the PyCOMPSs CLI, within Docker, within Virtual Machine (recommended for Windows) provided by BSC, or locally.

  • Using MyBinder:

    • Open MyBinder


    Sometimes it may take a while to deploy the COMPSs infrastructure.

  • Using PyCOMPSs CLI:

  • Using Docker:

    • Docker

    • Git

  • Using Virtual Machine:

    • VirtualBox

  • For local execution:

    • Python 2 or 3

    • Install COMPSs requirements described in Dependencies.

    • Install COMPSs (See Building from sources)

    • Jupyter (with the desired ipykernel)

    • ipywidgets (only for some hands-on notebooks)

    • numpy (only for some notebooks)

    • dislib (only for some notebooks)

    • numba (only for some notebooks)

    • Git

  • Using MyBinder:

    Just explore the folders and run the examples (they have the same structure as this documentation).

  • Using pycompss-cli:

    Check the pycompss-cli usage instructions (see Usage)

    Get the notebooks:

    $ git clone
  • Using Docker:

    Run in your machine:

    $ git clone
    $ docker pull compss/compss:2.7
    $ # Update the path to the notebooks path in the next command before running it
    $ docker run --name mycompss -p 8888:8888 -p 8080:8080 -v /PATH/TO/notebooks:/home/notebooks -itd compss/compss:2.7
    $ docker exec -it mycompss /bin/bash

    Now that docker is running and you are connected:

    $ cd /home/notebooks
    $ /etc/init.d/compss-monitor start
    $ jupyter-notebook --no-browser --allow-root --ip= --NotebookApp.token=

    From local web browser:

    Open COMPSs monitor: http://localhost:8080/compss-monitor/index.zul
    Open Jupyter notebook interface: http://localhost:8888/
  • Using Virtual Machine:

    • Download the OVA from: (Look for Virtual Appliances section)

    • Import the OVA from VirtualBox

    • Start the Virtual Machine

      • User: compss

      • Password: compss2019

    • Open a console and run:

      $ git clone
      $ cd notebooks
      $ /etc/init.d/compss-monitor start
      $ jupyter-notebook
    • Open the web browser:

      * Open COMPSs monitor: http://localhost:8080/compss-monitor/index.zul
      * Open Jupyter notebook interface: http://localhost:8888/
  • Using local installation

    • Get the notebooks and start jupyter

      $ git clone
      $ cd notebooks
      $ /etc/init.d/compss-monitor start
      $ jupyter-notebook
    • Then

      * Open COMPSs monitor: http://localhost:8080/compss-monitor/index.zul
      * Open Jupyter notebook interface: http://localhost:8888/
      * Look for the application.ipynb of interest.


It is necessary to RESTART the python kernel from Jupyter after the execution of any notebook.

  • ISSUE 1: Cannot connect using docker pull.

    REASON: The docker service is not running:

    $ # Error messsage:
    $ Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
    $ # SOLUTION: Restart the docker service:
    $ sudo service docker start
  • ISSUE 2: The notebooks folder is empty or contains other data using docker.

    REASON: The notebooks path in the docker run command is wrong.

    $ # Remove the docker instance and reinstantiate with the appropriate notebooks path
    $ exit
    $ docker stop mycompss
    $ docker rm mycompss
    $ # Pay attention and UPDATE: /PATH/TO in the next command
    $ docker run --name mycompss -p 8888:8888 -p 8080:8080 -v /PATH/TO/notebooks:/home/notebooks -itd compss/compss-tutorial:2.7
    $ # Continue as normal
  • ISSUE 3: COMPSs does not start in Jupyter.

    REASON: The python kernel has not been restarted between COMPSs start, or some processes from previous failed execution may exist.

    $ # SOLUTION: Restart the python kernel from Jupyter and check that there are no COMPSs' python/java processes running.
  • ISSUE 4: Numba is not working with the VM or Docker.

    REASON: Numba is not installed in the VM or docker

    $ # SOLUTION: Install Numba in the VM/Docker
    $ #           Open a console in the VM/Docker and follow the next steps.
    $ # For Python 2:
    $ sudo python2 -m pip install numba
    $ # For Python 3:
    $ sudo python3 -m pip install numba
  • ISSUE 5: Matplotlib is not working with the VM or Docker.

    REASON: Matplotlib is not installed in the VM or docker

    $ # SOLUTION: Install Matplotlib in the VM/Docker
    $ #           Open a console in the VM/Docker and follow the next steps.
    $ # For Python 2:
    $ sudo python2 -m pip install matplotlib
    $ # For Python 3:
    $ sudo python3 -m pip install matplotlib