Matrix multiplication

The Matrix Multiplication (Matmul) is a pure Java application that multiplies two matrices in a direct way. The application creates 2 matrices of N x N size initialized with values, and multiply the matrices by blocks.

This application provides three different implementations that only differ on the way of storing the matrix:


Matrix stored by means of objects


Matrix stored in files


Matrix represented by an array

Matrix multiplication

Figure 47 Matrix multiplication

In all the implementations the multiplication is implemented in the multiplyAccumulative method that is thus selected as the task to be executed remotely. As example, we we provide next the task implementation and the tasks interface for the objects implementation.

// matmul.objects.Block

public void multiplyAccumulative(Block a, Block b) {
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < M; k++) {
                                data[i][j] +=[i][k]*[k][j];
// matmul.objects.MatmulItf

@Method(declaringClass = "matmul.objects.Block")
void multiplyAccumulative(
        @Parameter Block a,
        @Parameter Block b

In order to run the application the matrix dimension (number of blocks) and the dimension of each block have to be supplied. Consequently, any of the implementations must be executed by running the following command.

compss@bsc:~$ runcompss matmul.<IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE>.Matmul <matrix_dim> <block_dim>

Finally, we provide an example of execution for each implementation.

compss@bsc:~$ cd ~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar/
compss@bsc:~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar$ runcompss matmul.objects.Matmul 8 4
[  INFO] Using default execution type: compss
[  INFO] Using default location for project file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default_project.xml
[  INFO] Using default location for resources file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default_resources.xml

----------------- Executing matmul.objects.Matmul --------------------------

WARNING: COMPSs Properties file is null. Setting default values
[(887)    API]  -  Starting COMPSs Runtime v<version>
[LOG] MSIZE parameter value = 8
[LOG] BSIZE parameter value = 4
[LOG] Allocating A/B/C matrix space
[LOG] Computing Result
[LOG] Main program finished.
[(7415)    API]  -  Execution Finished

compss@bsc:~$ cd ~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar/
compss@bsc:~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar$ runcompss matmul.files.Matmul 8 4
[  INFO] Using default execution type: compss
[  INFO] Using default location for project file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default_project.xml
[  INFO] Using default location for resources file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default_resources.xml

----------------- Executing matmul.files.Matmul --------------------------

WARNING: COMPSs Properties file is null. Setting default values
[(907)    API]  -  Starting COMPSs Runtime v<version>
[LOG] MSIZE parameter value = 8
[LOG] BSIZE parameter value = 4
[LOG] Computing result
[LOG] Main program finished.
[(9925)    API]  -  Execution Finished

compss@bsc:~$ cd ~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar/
compss@bsc:~/tutorial_apps/java/matmul/jar$ runcompss matmul.arrays.Matmul 8 4
[  INFO] Using default execution type: compss
[  INFO] Using default location for project file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/projects/default_project.xml
[  INFO] Using default location for resources file: /opt/COMPSs/Runtime/configuration/xml/resources/default_resources.xml

----------------- Executing matmul.arrays.Matmul --------------------------

WARNING: COMPSs Properties file is null. Setting default values
[(1062)    API]  -  Starting COMPSs Runtime v<version>
[LOG] MSIZE parameter value = 8
[LOG] BSIZE parameter value = 4
[LOG] Allocating C matrix space
[LOG] Computing Result
[LOG] Main program finished.
[(7811)    API]  -  Execution Finished
