MPI decorator

The @mpi (or @Mpi) decorator shall be used to define that a task is going to invoke a MPI executable (Code 70).

Code 70 MPI task example
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(binary="mpiApp.bin", runner="mpirun", processes=2)
def mpi_func():

The MPI executable invocation can also be enriched with parameters, files and prefixes as with the @binary decorator through the function parameters and @task decorator information. Please, check Binary decorator for more details.

The @mpi decorator can be also used to execute a MPI for python (mpi4py) code. To indicate it, developers only need to remove the binary field and include the Python MPI task implementation inside the function body as shown in the following example (Code 71).

Code 71 Python MPI task example.
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

def layout_test_with_all():
   from mpi4py import MPI
   rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
   return rank

In both cases, users can also define, MPI + OpenMP tasks by using processes property to indicate the number of MPI processes and computing_units in the Task Constraints to indicate the number of OpenMP threads per MPI process.

Users can also limit the distribution of the MPI processes through the nodes by using the processes_per_node property. In the following example (Code 72) the four MPI processes defined in the task will be divided in two groups of two processes. And all the processes of each group will be allocated to the same node. It will ensure that the defined MPI task will use up to two nodes.

Code 72 MPI task example grouping MPI processes
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(processes=4, processes_per_node=2)
def layout_test_with_all():
   from mpi4py import MPI
   rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
   return rank

The @mpi decorator can be combined with collections to allow the process of a list of parameters in the same MPI execution. By the default, all parameters of the list will be deserialized to all the MPI processes. However, a common pattern in MPI is that each MPI processes performs the computation in a subset of data. So, all data serialization is not needed. To indicate the subset used by each MPI process, developers can use the data_layout notation inside the MPI task declaration.

Code 73 MPI task example with collections and data layout
from pycompss.api.mpi import mpi

@mpi(processes=4, col_layout={block_count: 4, block_length: 2, stride: 1})
@task(col=COLLECTION_IN, returns=4)
def layout_test_with_all(col):
   from mpi4py import MPI
   rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
   return data[0]+data[1]+rank

Figure (Code 73) shows an example about how to combine MPI tasks with collections and data layouts. In this example, we have define a MPI task with an input collection (col). We have also defined a data layout with the property <arg_name>_layout and we specify the number of blocks (block_count), the elements per block (block_length), and the number of element between the starting block points (stride).

Users can specify the MPI runner command with the runner how ever the arguments passed to the mpirun command differs depending on the implementation. To ensure that the correct arguments are passed to the runner, users can define the COMPSS_MPIRUN_TYPE environment variable. The current supported values are impi for Intel MPI and ompi for OpenMPI. Other MPI implementation can be supported by adding its corresponding properties file in the folder $COMPSS_HOME/Runtime/configuration/mpi.