Data Provenance

In order to achieve Reproducibility and Replicability with your experiments using COMPSs, the runtime includes the capacity of recording details of the application’s execution, also known as Data Provenance. This is currently only supported for Python applications, while in the meantime we are working to extend it to Java and C/C++, which are programming languages also supported by COMPSs.

When the provenance option is activated, the runtime records every access to a file or directory in the application, as well as its direction (IN, OUT, INOUT). In addition to this, other information such as the parameters passed as inputs in the command line that submitted the application, its source files, workflow image and profiling statistics, authors and their institutions, … are also stored. All this information is later used to record the Data Provenance of your workflow using the RO-Crate standard, and with the assistance of the ro-crate-py library. RO-Crate is based on JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), is much simpler than other standards and tools created to record Provenance, and that is why it has been adopted in a number of communities. Using RO-Crate to register the execution’s information ensures not only to register correctly the Provenance of a COMPSs application run, but also compatibility with some existing portals that already embrace RO-Crate as their core format for representing metadata, such as WorkflowHub.

Software dependencies

Provenance generation in COMPSs depends on the ro-crate-py library, thus, it must be installed before the provenance option can be used. Depending on the target system, different options are available using pip:

If the installation is in a laptop or machine you manage, you can use the command:

compss@bsc:~$ pip install rocrate

If you do not manage the target machine, you can install the library in your own user space using:

compss@bsc:~$ pip install rocrate --user

This would typically install the library in ~/.local/. Another option is to specify the target directory with:

compss@bsc:~$ pip install -t install_path rocrate

Our implementation has been tested with ro-crate-py version 0.6.1 and earlier.

Previous needed information

There are certain pieces of information which must be included when registering the provenance of a workflow that the COMPSs runtime cannot automatically infer, such as the authors of an application. For specifying all these fields that are needed to generate an RO-Crate but cannot be automatically obtained, we have created a simple YAML structure where the user can specify them. They need to provide a YAML file named ro-crate-info.yaml that follows the next template structure:

COMPSs Workflow Information:
  name: Name of your COMPSs application
  description: Detailed description of your COMPSs application
  license: Apache-2.0 #Provide better a URL, but these strings are accepted:
  files: [,,] # List of application files
  - name: Author_1 Name
    organisation_name: Institution_1 name
    ror: # Find them in
  - name: Author_2 Name
    organisation_name: Institution_2 name
    ror: # Find them in


If no YAML file is provided, the runtime will fail to generate provenance, and will automatically generate an ro-crate-info_TEMPLATE.yaml file that the user can edit to add their details.

As you can see, there are two main blocks in the YAML:

  • COMPSs Workflow Information: Where details on the application are provided.

  • Authors: Where authors’ details are given.

More specifically, in the COMPSs Workflow Information section:

  • The name and description fields are free text, where a long name and description of the application must be provided.

  • The license field is preferred by providing an URL to the license, but a set of predefined strings are also supported, and can be found here:

  • files is a list of all the source files of the application (typically all .py files). The files’ order is not important, since the runtime will obtain the name of the main file from the application execution.

And in the Authors section:

  • name, e-mail and organisation_name are strings corresponding to the author’s name, e-mail and their institution. They are free text, but the e-mail field must follow the format.

  • orcid refers to the ORCID identifier of the author. The IDs can be found and created at

  • ror refers to the Research Organization Registry (ROR) identifier for an institution. They can be found at


It is very important that the list of files, orcid and ror terms are correctly defined, since the runtime will only register information for the list of files defined, and the orcid and ror are used as unique identifiers in RO-Crate.

In the following lines, we provide a YAML example for an out-of-core Matrix Multiplication COMPSs application, distributed with license Apache v2.0, with 2 source files, and authored by 3 persons from two different institutions.

COMPSs Workflow Information:
  name: COMPSs Matrix Multiplication, out-of-core using files
  description: Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements
  license: Apache-2.0 #Provide better a URL, but these strings are accepted:
  files: [,]

  - name: Raül Sirvent
    organisation_name: Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  - name: Rosa M. Badia
    organisation_name: Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  - name: Adam Hospital
    organisation_name: IRB Barcelona


The way of activating the recording of Data Provenance with COMPSs is very simple. One must only enable the -p or --provenance flag when using runcomps or enqueue_compss to run or submit a COMPSs application respectively. As shown in the help option:

compss@bsc:~$ runcompss -h

--provenance, -p    Generate COMPSs workflow provenance data in RO-Crate format from YAML file. Automatically
                    activates -graph and -output_profile.
                    Default: false


As stated in the help, provenance automatically activates both --graph and --output_profile options. Take into account that the graph image generation can take some extra seconds at the end of the execution of your application, therefore, adjust the --exec_time accordingly.


Once the application has finished, a new sub-folder under the application’s Working Directory will be created with the name COMPSs_RO-Crate_[uuid]/, which is also known as crate. The contents of the folder include all the elements needed to reproduce a COMPSs execution, and are:

  • Application Source Files: As detailed by the user in the ro-crate-info.yaml file with the term files, the main source file and all auxiliary files that the application needs (e.g.: .py).

  • complete_graph.pdf: The image of the workflow generated by the COMPSs runtime, as generated with the runcompss -g or --graph option.

  • App_Profile.json: A set of statistics of the application run recorded by the COMPSs runtime, as if the runcompss --output_profile=<path> option was enabled. It includes, for each resource and method executed: number of executions of the specific method, as well as maximum, average and minimum run time.

  • compss_command_line_arguments.txt: Stores the options passed by the command line when the application was submitted. This is very important for reproducing a COMPSs application, since input parameters could potentially change the resulting workflow generated by the COMPSs runtime.

  • ro-crate-metadata.json: The RO-Crate JSON main file describing the contents of this directory (crate) in the RO-Crate standard format. You can find an example at the end of this Section.


All previous file names (complete_graph.pdf, App_Profile.json and compss_command_line_arguments.txt) are automatically used to generate new files when using the -p or --provenance option. Avoid using these file names among your own files to avoid unwanted overwritings. You can change the resulting App_Profile.json name by using the --output_profile=/path_to/file flag.

ro-crate-metadata.json example

In the RO-Crate specification, the root file containing the metadata referring to the crate created is named ro-crate-metadata.json. In these lines we provide an example of an ro-crate-metadata.json file resulting from a COMPSs application execution, specifically an out-of-core matrix multiplication example that includes matrices A and B as inputs in an inputs/ sub-directory, and matrix C as the result of their multiplication. For all the specific details on the fields provided in the JSON file, please refer to the RO-Crate standard Website. Intuitively, if you search through the JSON file you can find several interesting fields:

  • creator: List of authors, identified by their ORCID.

  • publisher: Organisations of the authors.

  • hasPart in ./: lists all the files and directories this workflow needs and generates, and also the ones included in the crate. The URIs point to the local machine where the application has been run, thus, tells the user where the inputs and outputs can be found (in this example, a BSC laptop).

  • Main file of the application, includes the inputs and outputs needed and generated by the workflow, and a reference to the generated workflow image in the image field.

  • version: The COMPSs specific version and build used to run this application. In the example: 2.10.rc2205. This is a very important field to achieve reproducibility or replicability, since COMPSs features may vary their behaviour in different versions of the programming model runtime.

We encourage the reader to navigate through this ro-crate-metadata.json file example to get familiar with its contents. Many of the fields are easily and directly understandable.

    "@context": "",
    "@graph": [
            "@id": "./",
            "@type": "Dataset",
            "creator": [
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": ""
            "datePublished": "2022-05-16T08:59:20+00:00",
            "description": "Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements",
            "hasPart": [
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": "complete_graph.pdf"
                    "@id": "App_Profile.json"
                    "@id": "compss_command_line_arguments.txt"
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
            "license": "Apache-2.0",
            "mainEntity": {
                "@id": ""
            "name": "COMPSs Matrix Multiplication, out-of-core using files",
            "publisher": [
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": ""
            "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
            "@type": "CreativeWork",
            "about": {
                "@id": "./"
            "conformsTo": [
                    "@id": ""
                    "@id": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Person",
            "affiliation": {
                "@id": ""
            "contactPoint": {
                "@id": ""
            "name": "Ra\u00fcl Sirvent"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "ContactPoint",
            "contactType": "Author",
            "email": "",
            "identifier": "",
            "url": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Organization",
            "name": "Barcelona Supercomputing Center"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Person",
            "affiliation": {
                "@id": ""
            "contactPoint": {
                "@id": ""
            "name": "Rosa M. Badia"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "ContactPoint",
            "contactType": "Author",
            "email": "",
            "identifier": "",
            "url": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Person",
            "affiliation": {
                "@id": ""
            "contactPoint": {
                "@id": ""
            "name": "Adam Hospital"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "ContactPoint",
            "contactType": "Author",
            "email": "",
            "identifier": "",
            "url": ""
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Organization",
            "name": "IRB Barcelona"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": [
            "contentSize": 2151,
            "description": "Main file of the COMPSs workflow source files",
            "encodingFormat": "text/plain",
            "image": {
                "@id": "complete_graph.pdf"
            "input": [
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
            "name": "",
            "output": [
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
            "programmingLanguage": {
                "@id": "#compss"
            "@id": "#compss",
            "@type": "ComputerLanguage",
            "alternateName": "COMPSs",
            "citation": "",
            "name": "COMPSs Programming Model",
            "url": "",
            "version": "2.10.rc2205"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "WebSite",
            "name": "Acrobat PDF 1.7 - Portable Document Format"
            "@id": "complete_graph.pdf",
            "@type": [
            "about": {
                "@id": ""
            "contentSize": 19582,
            "description": "The graph diagram of the workflow, automatically generated by COMPSs runtime",
            "encodingFormat": [
                        "@id": ""
            "name": "complete_graph.pdf"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "WebSite",
            "name": "JSON Data Interchange Format"
            "@id": "App_Profile.json",
            "@type": "File",
            "contentSize": 246,
            "description": "COMPSs application Tasks profile",
            "encodingFormat": [
                    "@id": ""
            "name": "App_Profile.json"
            "@id": "compss_command_line_arguments.txt",
            "@type": "File",
            "contentSize": 4,
            "description": "Parameters passed as arguments to the COMPSs application through the command line",
            "encodingFormat": "text/plain",
            "name": "compss_command_line_arguments.txt"
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "File",
            "contentSize": 1721,
            "description": "Auxiliary File",
            "encodingFormat": "text/plain",
            "name": ""
            "@id": "file://",
            "@type": "File",
            "contentSize": 16,
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            "sdDatePublished": "2022-05-16T08:59:20+00:00"
            "@id": "file://",
            "@type": "File",
            "contentSize": 16,
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            "@type": "File",
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            "name": "B.1.1",
            "sdDatePublished": "2022-05-16T08:59:20+00:00"
            "@id": "file://",
            "@type": "Dataset",
            "hasPart": [
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
                    "@id": "file://"
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            "@type": "CreateAction",
            "actionStatus": {
                "@id": ""
            "agent": {
                "@id": ""
            "endTime": "2021-03-22",
            "name": "COMPSs RO-Crate automatically generated for Python applications",
            "object": {
                "@id": "./"