2.1. Sort by Key
Algorithm that sorts the elements of a set of files and merges the partial results respecting the order.
First of all - Create a dataset
This step can be avoided if the dataset already exists.
If not, this code snipped creates a set of files with dictionary on each one generated randomly. Uses pickle.
def datasetGenerator(directory, numFiles, numPairs):
import random
import pickle
import os
if os.path.exists(directory):
print("Dataset directory already exists... Removing")
import shutil
for f in range(numFiles):
fragment = {}
while len(fragment) < numPairs:
fragment[random.random()] = random.randint(0, 1000)
filename = 'file_' + str(f) + '.data'
with open(directory + '/' + filename, 'wb') as fd:
pickle.dump(fragment, fd)
print('File ' + filename + ' has been created.')
numFiles = 2
numPairs = 10
directoryName = 'mydataset'
datasetGenerator(directoryName, numFiles, numPairs)
Dataset directory already exists... Removing
File file_0.data has been created.
File file_1.data has been created.
# Show the files that have been created
%ls -l $directoryName
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 134 oct 24 15:05 file_0.data
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 135 oct 24 15:05 file_1.data
Algorithm definition
import pycompss.interactive as ipycompss
import os
if 'BINDER_SERVICE_HOST' in os.environ:
ipycompss.start(graph=True, monitor=1000)
**************** PyCOMPSs Interactive ******************
* .-~~-.--. ______ ______ *
* : ) |____ \ |____ \ *
* .~ ~ -.\ /.- ~~ . __) | __) | *
* > `. .' < |__ | |__ | *
* ( .- -. ) ____) | _ ____) | *
* `- -.-~ `- -' ~-.- -' |______/ |_| |______/ *
* ( : ) _ _ .-: *
* ~--. : .--~ .-~ .-~ } *
* ~-.-^-.-~ \_ .~ .-~ .~ *
* \ \ ' \ '_ _ -~ *
* \`.\`. // *
* . - ~ ~-.__\`.\`-.// *
* .-~ . - ~ }~ ~ ~-.~-. *
* .' .-~ .-~ :/~-.~-./: *
* /_~_ _ . - ~ ~-.~-._ *
* ~-.< *
* - Starting COMPSs runtime... *
* - Log path : /home/user/.COMPSs/Interactive_15/
* - PyCOMPSs Runtime started... Have fun! *
from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN
@task(returns=list, dataFile=FILE_IN)
def sortPartition(dataFile):
Reads the dataFile and sorts its content which is assumed to be a dictionary {K: V}
:param path: file that contains the data
:return: a list of (K, V) pairs sorted.
import pickle
import operator
with open(dataFile, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
# res = sorted(data, key=lambda (k, v): k, reverse=not ascending)
partition_result = sorted(data.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=False)
return partition_result
@task(returns=list, priority=True)
def reducetask(a, b):
Merges two partial results (lists of (K, V) pairs) respecting the order
:param a: Partial result a
:param b: Partial result b
:return: The merging result sorted
partial_result = []
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(a) and j < len(b):
if a[i] < b[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
if i < len(a):
partial_result + a[i:]
elif j < len(b):
partial_result + b[j:]
return partial_result
def merge_reduce(function, data):
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
import queue as Queue
import Queue
q = Queue.Queue()
for i in data:
while not q.empty():
x = q.get()
if not q.empty():
y = q.get()
q.put(function(x, y))
return x
Parameters (that can be configured in the following cell): * datasetPath: The path where the dataset is (default: the same as created previously).
import os
import time
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
datasetPath = directoryName # Where the dataset is
files = []
for f in os.listdir(datasetPath):
files.append(datasetPath + '/' + f)
startTime = time.time()
partialSorted = []
for f in files:
result = merge_reduce(reducetask, partialSorted)
result = compss_wait_on(result)
print("Elapsed Time(s)")
print(time.time() - startTime)
import pprint
Found task: sortPartition
Found task: reducetask
Elapsed Time(s)
[(0.09553823909709169, 410),
(0.1050539352105847, 361),
(0.1101668165151074, 380),
(0.16707163864406294, 34),
(0.23169922686345557, 234),
(0.2514576491846777, 420),
(0.28212150305417993, 824),
(0.3355535709072125, 44),
(0.37840542685156164, 671),
(0.4116698728713306, 812),
(0.44489092464317737, 558),
(0.5078389792729182, 421),
(0.6359848462288427, 751),
(0.6944889844090878, 277),
(0.7638837227992719, 686),
(0.8018921430882744, 499),
(0.9045260886433034, 430),
(0.918459522461975, 927),
(0.9620166095263026, 865)]
***************** STOPPING PyCOMPSs ********************
Checking if any issue happened.
Warning: some of the variables used with PyCOMPSs may
have not been brought to the master.